01: Create an Account

Welcome to DanceComp Genie's support page for how to register to a Competition using DanceComp Genie!
First you'll need to create an account. Once you have your account you can use it to log in from the competition website you are planning to attend. If you haven't done so already you can do that here or by clicking on the image below.
If you already have a DanceComp Genie studio account, then simply log in to begin your registration.

02: Add New Registration

Welcome to DanceComp Genie's Convention Registration support page! 
You will start your registration journey at your Dashbaord screen. This is the page where you can view past and existing registrations, and start new registrations.
1. Select + Add New Registration to get started.
2. Next you will need to select the Location you will be registering for.
3. Once you have selected the location you will be attending, it's time to add the attending dancers.
View List - will let you select from the dancers you already have saved to your account
Type - You can type to search for dancers you already have saved to your account
Add New Dancer - this will pop-up the window in the image below and let you enter Dancers, Teachers/Choreographers and Assistant Teachers.
4. Once you have added the attending dancers and other attendees, you can complete the registration by entering any discount codes (coupons, scholarships..etc) and add-ons in the sections below.
All that's left is a final review and confirmation of your registration and you can complete the process. It's that easy!

03: Dashboard

The dashboard is your main screen when using DanceComp Genie on any competition website. The main sections would be
1) Dancers - used to manage the dancers stored in your account
2) Make Changes / Make Payment - to work on or complete a single registration
3) My Account - where you can edit your login information such as a lost password and contact information.