03: Dashboard

The dashboard is your main screen when using DanceComp Genie on any competition website. The main sections would be
1) Dancers - used to manage the dancers stored in your account
2) Make Changes / Make Payment - to work on or complete a single registration
3) My Routines - where you can manage routines related to a registration, for example, uploading music after you have the routines created.
4) My Account - where you can edit your login information such as a lost password and contact information.

03: Dashboard

The dashboard is your main screen when using DanceComp Genie on any competition website. The main sections would be
1) Dancers - used to manage the dancers stored in your account
2) Make Changes / Make Payment - to work on or complete a single registration
3) My Account - where you can edit your login information such as a lost password and contact information.
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